Chad Holmes
QA Analyst and Implementation Coordinator

Chad is originally from Baton Rouge, LA. In 2010, he volunteered at SXSW then moved to Austin three months later. It’s obvious he is interested in music, but he’s also into PC gaming, sports, and hanging out with friends. Outside of work you can find him at Mohawk or playing PC games.
What cause are you passionate about?
Make a Wish Foundation. I have always been drawn to this cause.
What was the first big thing you bought with your own money?
The first thing I remember was a GigaPet.
Favorite TV Show(s)? Either now or all time.
Breaking Bad, Friends, Bar Rescue, Dexter.
If you were a super hero/super power, who/what would you be and why?
I would want to be one of those Jumpers and teleport to anywhere I want!
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – Free Fallin’
Chad is a QA Analyst and Implementation Coordinator who was previously a Senior Support Analyst III who provides Luminate support to our administrative clients as well as participant support for fundraising. He’s considered a leader among the support analyst team members. Prior to joining Charity Dynamics, he worked at Volusion as a Support Concierge. Chad received his degree in Computer Information Management from Southeastern Louisiana University.