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Our Digital Fundraising Predictions for 2023
by Charity Dynamics Consultants
‘Tis the season.
Charity Dynamics has taken Donor Centers to the next level for our clients with customizations that include ways to thank and recognize donors. We’ve added perks like downloadable impact reports, special offers from corporate partners and even customizable infographics that donors can share to proudly show their support. In 2023, we think we’ll see more of these one-stop hubs that not only make transactions easier but engage donors in a new and exciting way!
In the nonprofit world, that translates to sustained giving, or recurring giving. My prediction is that the growing consumer acceptance & familiarity with the subscription model will lead to a continued increase in sustainer giving revenue by non-profits, as well as a more focused effort on this revenue stream by nonprofits.
In 2023, nonprofits will continue the journey of improving the hybrid event experience and finding new ways of creating a community that honors the experience of everyone. At Charity Dynamics, we’re asking the question, “How do I meet my supporters where they are, keep them engaged and offer a sense of community?” Whether you are using our Boundless Fundraising mobile app, considering our new community-building app, Engage, or are interested in strategic consulting, we’re here to help you place greater emphasis on community for all your participants. Contact us for a product demo or to strategize!
And with that thought, the Charity Dynamics consulting team wishes everyone of you the best for a successful year to come!
And check out more informative blogs from Charity Dynamics here.
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