Lupus Foundation of America

Project Description
Lupus Foundation of America’s mission is to improve the quality of life for all people affected by lupus through programs of research, education, support and advocacy. By implementing a fully responsive participant center within the Walk to End Lupus Luminate Online TeamRaiser Platform, Charity Dynamics supported the organization in better engaging their fundraisers who are increasingly visiting the website from mobile devices.
Project Details
Client Lupus Foundation of America
Skills CD Labs, Fundraising, Technology

- Allow better engagement by event fundraisers who were increasingly visiting the website from a mobile device
- Luminate Online does not have an out of the box solution to make the Participant Center mobile responsive in Teamraiser
- Limit internal resources and budget to undertake a significant development effort
- Utilize CD Labs Responsive Participant Center
- Turn-Key project management and implementation
- Set of best practices responsive code applied to a the standard TeamRaiser Participant Center to make it fully mobile responsive and easy to use across all devices

- Within 30 days of launching, the percent of walkers that updated the personal page increased from 60% to 71% compared to the same period last year
- The average fundraising goal set by walkers was 33% higher than the same time period of the previous year