
Be The Match Foundation

Project Description

Be The Match connects patients with their donor match for a life-saving marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant. With a small percentage of participants fundraising and using online tools to raise money for the organization’s Run/Walk series, Be The Match partnered with Charity Dynamics to develop a three-year strategic plan for participant engagement and fundraising growth.

Project Details

Client Be The Match
Skills Strategy, Engagement
View BeTheMatch.org


  • Few participants were fundraising actively (99 percent were raising less than $100)
  • Online tools were under-utilized by event participants (only 8 percent sending emails; only 27 percent were updating their personalized fundraising pages)
  • Staffing limitations and lack of chapter-based structure hindered event growth


  • A Charity Dynamics Consultant conducted comprehensive data analysis, which included a thorough review of business rules to better understand current business practices and supporting technology
  • Completed a competitive analysis, stakeholder interviews, and benchmarking to obtain a 360-degree view of the event’s current situation
  • Used findings to develop core recommendations, which included: reposition the event’s brand; upgrade technology; invest in staffing; expand the number of events offered in the series; and create a virtual fundraising platform


  • Recommendations led to a complete rebranding of the program—from ‘Be the One Run’ to ‘Be The Match Walk+Run’—in an effort to make the event more inclusive of walkers, and ensure it was more closely aligned with the organization’s brand.
  • Follow-on work led to a subsequent redesign, and redeployment of the TeamRaiser website, complete with new messaging in time for the 2013 event season.
  • Created an Executive Task Force to build internal buy-in; assisted with a presentation to the organization’s Executive Board of Directors, outlining site expansion and related staffing plans.

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