
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation – Retained Services

Project Description

Since 2009, the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation has worked with Charity Dynamics on various fundraising, social media, strategy, and implementation initiatives. With such a strong and successful history, it was a natural extension of the relationship to enter into a Leadership Strategic Retainer, providing Senior Staff with on-demand access to our Principal Consulting team.

Project Details

Client Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America
Skills Strategy, Implementation
View https://www.ccfa.org/


  • Looking for industry best practices and successes to inform internal planning and development at the leadership table
  • Difficult to stay current on industry news and events and to find information of value
  • Wanted access to industry experts & thought leaders to advise on enterprise level projects
  • Access to an objective 3rd party, with knowledge of the organization, to be able to vet ideas, review presentations and return feedback to new ideas


  • Annual retainer provided direct access to Principal Consultant
  • Enterprise level support to Annual and Project Strategic Planning
  • Custom whitepapers for key areas of interest
  • Industry news, insights and event recommendations provided monthly


  • Significant time-savings – staff able to focus on their roles, not on research
  • Increased staff knowledge and comfort with current best practices and trends in the industry
  • Staff able to attend more professional development opportunities due to pre-screening
  • Key contact has a stronger voice and leadership position within the organization
  • White papers delivered organizational re-branding, best practices and pitfalls
  • Understanding Big Data
  • Shifting the Culture – from Organizational-telling to Story-telling

How Can We Help You?

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