
National Kidney Foundation –

2017 Branding Refresh

National Kidney Foundation needed to update their existing look and feel for the Kidney Walk site to match the new branding they were rolling out for the 2017 season. Since it was a given we’d have to change the look and feel, we also took the time to review analytics and overall fundraising progress. This review would give us insights into what is working on the site, what needs to be improved, and areas that we should be sure to track and monitor through out 2017.

Project Details

Client National Kidney Foundation
Skills Strategy, Fundraising, UX Design


  • Update the look and feel of the site without spending a large amount of time and money on a site redesign.
  • Figure out how we can improve on their existing registration process to help facilitate faster registrations and efficient fundraising on the site.
  • Continually watch the site and see what small updates we can do over time so we don’t have to invest in a large, up-front redesign at one time.


  • Set up registration and donation Google Analytics funnels to understand any pitfalls in the overall registration and fundraising process.
  • Used Crazy Egg to understand overall user experience on the landing, greeting, and fundraising pages on the site.
  • Reviewed existing TeamRaiser blueprint to see if there were any upgrades that haven’t been taken advantage of for the Walk.



  • Streamlined the entire site to have fewer distractions so more information showed up when first visiting the site.
  • Removed all design elements, like photography, when registering or donating on the site.
  • Made registration possible from the Walk landing page so any visitor can either learn more about a specific Walk or register right away.
  • Cleaned up the registration UX to allow it to be a cleaner interface on mobile: no banners or distractions, buttons instead of radio selections, and less content.
  • Directed all registrants swiftly into the participant center once they registered for a walk.

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