
Member engagement is at the center of every successful association’s marketing plan. On Wednesday December 3, Abila and Charity Dynamics will be hosting a webinar about how many associations are putting year-round member engagement at the center of their marketing activities. Register now to learn useful insights into the case for engagement, and examples of the real impact it can have on your association. The webinar will also share a framework that will help you put member engagement in place and manage it for maximum results. Not an association? This information can certainly be used for donor engagement and more! We’ve got a sneak peak of what you can expect to learn about here:

Have a Plan. Without a good strategy, managing member engagement will keep you up all night and drive you crazy. Schedule out your communication as far in advance as you can, and keep track of what needs to be included for each campaign you want to implement in the future. By visualizing what needs to happen and when, you can find potential communication gaps or avoid communication overloads.

Use ALL Your Channels Wisely. With new communication options becoming available every day, it can be easy to forget or ignore the traditional channels. Don’t assume digital members don’t want direct mail (and vice versa). Design and utilize your channels in response to the demographics of your members, which could vary between associations. Segment your members and find out their interests or preferences, then pair that with the most appropriate channel for each audience.

Embrace Automation. Marketing automation tools will help your association plan ahead and streamline your communication process. You can design specific series for different members, such as a welcome series of informational emails that drive new (or potential) members to your website. After the welcome series, other automated messages may encourage them to learn/do more, interact with your social media pages or even survey them to deliver even more targeted content in the future.

Register for the webinar below, and tune in on December 3rd at noon (Central time) to gain some new know how for the new year!