
One week ago today, was the Fundraising Roundtable workshop in Washington DC. It was a great 1/2 workshop where we got to visit with many of our nonprofit friends and even got to meet quite a few more of the nonprofit industry’s rockstars.

So, what did we talk about? Well, the agenda included an icebreaker so attendees could get to know one another, we had 3 sessions that will aid any nonprofit’s peer-to-peer strategy: Say What?! Messaging in a Multi-Channel WorldRegistration Dos and Don’ts and Data to Drive Your Strategy. Then, towards the end of the day, I moderated an expert panel with: Deanna Bucciarelli, National Walk Manager, National Kidney Foundation, Sarah Robie, Online Marketing Specialist, World Wildlife Fund and Bailey Fogarty, Special Projects Coordinator, Humane Society of the United States. All 3 panelist did an amazing job of sharing their expertise on a variety of peer-to-peer event types.

But what did we really talk about? Which topics were really hot? Well, from what I heard and saw, a very main theme was that everything from registration forms to success stories need to be centered around what the participants want and need, not what the organization wants. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Use story telling over organization telling if you want to really connect with your supporters. 
  • Nontraditional formats for fundraising, like with Independent Fundraising Events (aka DIY Fundraising), can open lots of opportunities for both the org and its supporters.
  • Ensure that everything is mobile responsive as online giving continues to grow (grew 8.9% in 2014 compared to 2013).
  • Forms should focus on participant/donor needs, not the organization needs.
  • If you collect data, use it! Otherwise, why take the time to ask your participants “Why do you walk?”

We want you to have the presentations as well! Here are the slides.

Full-expert-panel_WWF-NKF-HSUS_cropped   Dolores-presenting_1

The event was great and I am truly grateful that I was able to connect with so many passionate, nonprofit professionals. I’d like to thank all attendees, our panel members and our partners at Blackbaud for making this event so great!

Attendees, this event qualifies for 5 continued education points toward CFRE, so don’t forget to log those hours! If you missed the event and want to attend next year, follow us on Twitter: @CharityDynamics or check back on our events page to get updates on when registration is open, nonprofit speakers and more!  #FundraisingRoundtable