
Guestblog written by Fernando Labastida, Content Strategist, Kimbia

Introducing the Online Fundraising Scorecard Infographic

We’re excited to announce Kimbia’s first infographic about online fundraising. Post it on your Facebook wall. Tweet it on Twitter. Pin it to a Pinterest board. Share it on Instagram – and Tumble it on Tumblr.

In this beautiful full-color infographic, based on data from a

study by Dunham+ Company and Next After, you’ll learn that:

• Most nonprofits scored a ‘C’ in their online fundraising efforts
• 84% of nonprofit websites are not optimized for mobile viewing
• 36% of organizations make you click two or more times on their donation forms

You’ll also learn proven practices on how to improve your performance in these areas so your organization can do better than most of the nonprofits included in the study.

Here’s a little sneak peek!


Check out the full infographic!