
Your campaign is only as good as its message – and if you don’t grab your audience’s attention, then what’s the point in working so hard on your campaign in the first place?

Before you get rolling on ideas, themes and messaging, consider your organization’s audience or audiences. Knowing who you’re talking to is key to building a well-rounded campaign. Here are some common audiences for nonprofit organizations:

  • Donors
  • Volunteers
  • Corporate supporters/partners

You know this already, now you have to match up your goals to your audience AND pick out the demographics of your audience and learn their values and interests. Your calls to action should match up with your audiences’ age group, gender, location, attitudes, personalities and more*.

When you’re defining your audience consider how the campaign goals benefit your audience. Yes, we’re asking something of them, but there is always a return on investment. Now you just need to communicate what this investment means to them. It can be membership to your organization, feelings of selflessness or even tangible items. Think of these things and craft your messaging around it. Most importantly DO YOUR RESEARCH.

When you’re fundraising online, it’s hit or miss unless you do your research. Think of your audience and the demographics involved. Think of the channels you want to use in your campaign? Make a list –consider your audience’s time spent on the following online channels and build from there.

  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • Instagram

Like we discussed in Pt. 1 of this series, use resources available to you. Look at past campaigns your organization has worked on and even campaigns from organizations your organization looks up to or admires. List what’s working all around and what tools are most effective.

This will help you learn more about your audience and match up your campaign messaging to best fit your constituents and appeal to their giving side. Go get ‘em!

Here are some helpful reads:

Know Your Target Audience: 10 Questions To Ask

The Importance of a SWOT Analysis for Your Nonprofit

Find out more about audience personalities: What Personality Does Your Audience Have?

More Messaging Tips: Audit Your Messaging