
Reach potential fundraisers even after they’ve abandoned registration.

We’ve had many clients come to us asking for a solution to reach individuals who start, but don’t finish a registration form. This problem is especially common in IFE programs. So many people will begin registering for an event as a fundraiser, but suddenly drop out before completing the process. Why did they start if they didn’t intend to finish? While this is a question we can’t yet provide clear answers to, we’ve been able to provide answers to other questions and solutions to this problem.

How do we reach out?

Clearly, these individuals were interested in becoming fundraisers to some degree. Maybe they got distracted or maybe they just didn’t have time to finish and forgot about the form completely. Whatever the reason, nonprofits owe it to themselves to reach out to potential fundraisers.

Charity Dynamics offers a solution to reaching this valuable niche audience that allows organizations to capture necessary information immediately.

A “quick registration form” can be embedded using the Luminate Online Survey tool, which requires individuals to fill in their first name, last name and email address before they begin the registration flow. This information is saved and adds a new constituent record upon submission before the TeamRaiser registration page comes up. In case a user abandons the rest of the registration process, their record has already been saved.

The Humane Society of the United States came to us with this issue in 2014 when they noticed registration abandonment in their myHumane program. After implementing this solution, HSUS was able to reach these predisposed fundraisers with a targeted email campaign sent to those who filled out the survey a day after they abandoned registration. HSUS sent out these emails with quick, direct links to the registration flow abandoners had already begun in order to encourage them to complete registration and begin fundraising for animals today.

humane society
The retargeting implementation solution allows organizations to increase the number of new fundraisers beyond expectation and increase their constituent database for future events and campaigns.

Check back for our case study on remarketing!

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