by Kim Keith | Fundraising, Strategy, Technology
It’s 2017 and charitable giving is nothing new, but the different ways to give are constantly changing. Nonprofit organizations are more eager than ever to stay on-top of the latest giving trends. Everything online is just a click away, and charitable giving is next...
by Kim Keith | Strategy, Technology, UX Design
Now that you have a better understanding of POUR, you should start to learn what criteria it takes to pass each and have your website accessible. Like I said earlier, all things in our world have layers, some complicated, some not. Within POUR, each principle has a...
by Charity Dynamics | Strategy
In a nutshell, what are Bequests? No one wants to think about the end of his or her days. Regardless, things happen and it’s always good to be prepared. On the bright side there is a way for donors to leave behind a legacy with their preferred organization and it is...
by Kim Keith | Fundraising
I know. I know. Star Wars. It’s everywhere. I mean, you can buy a storm trooper mask at the grocery store! It’s been the most anticipated movie of the year. My husband even noted that he might cry when the opening credits start rolling…and I realized this put Star...