New Ideas from Strategic Services – March 2017

New Ideas from Strategic Services – March 2017

Our Charity Dynamics retained strategic services clients receive weekly status updates that allow us to plan and track initiatives that help our clients reach their digital communication and fundraising goals. Each week, we share the most innovative ideas we see in...
The Ideal P2P Platform Scorecard, Part 2

The Ideal P2P Platform Scorecard, Part 2

In Part 1, we looked at snapshots of two veteran P2P fundraising platforms, TeamRaiser and Classy, and what kind of nonprofits they could be ideal for. Now, we will look at three other platforms—two proven players in DonorDrive and RallyBound and a relative new kid on...
The Ideal P2P Platform Scorecard, Part 1

The Ideal P2P Platform Scorecard, Part 1

With plenty of peer-to-peer fundraising platforms to choose from, nonprofits may feel overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out which one fits best. No one platform is perfect for every organization—thus all that competition. But each platform is perfect for certain...
Find Your Ideal P2P Platform

Find Your Ideal P2P Platform

Peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising has become critical to the success of many nonprofits, large and small. Having a good P2P platform on your side can help your constituents easily achieve their fundraising goals and allow you build stronger connections with those...