New Ideas from Strategic Services – December 2016

New Ideas from Strategic Services – December 2016

Our Charity Dynamics retained strategic services clients receive weekly status updates that allow us to plan and track initiatives that help our clients reach their digital communication and fundraising goals. Each week, we share the most innovative ideas we see in...
Develop Your Testing Blueprint

Develop Your Testing Blueprint

If your organization isn’t testing for good user experience, you need to start right now. You are potentially losing money if you aren’t testing. If you’re going to budget a lot of time and money on a brand-new campaign, you want to make sure it’ll be effective and...
What’s Next for Luminate Online?

What’s Next for Luminate Online?

Blackbaud’s Luminate Online is undergoing some major changes that should have nonprofits buzzing with excitement. The full-service digital marketing suite has been around for upwards of a decade, but Blackbaud has kept the Luminate Online product suite relevant to...

New Ideas from Strategic Services November 2015

Our Charity Dynamics retained strategic services clients receive weekly status updates that allow us to plan and track initiatives that help our clients reach their digital communication and fundraising goals. Each week, we share the most innovative ideas we see in...